Wednesday, April 9


My dad just commented (my past castle post) on painting walls, and after reading it, I realized that most of you don't know I just bought a home. I therefore decided I would post some pics of my past DIY mishaps and current projects.

After moving in (last month), the first thing we wanted to do is paint the boring white walls a color that would match our wonderful red IKEA sofa.

Past DIY mishap:

Despite watching at least a million DIY home shows before buying our house, we decided not to paint the walls a neutral color...we went with pink:

(that's me flashing the west coast sign)

We then decided that pepto-bismol walls were a bit too eccentric, and went with a more neutral duck egg:

The next DIY project is the second bedroom. So far I've taken the carpet out, and put some insulation on the floorboards. Now all I need to do is figure out how to put these laminate floors in!

Dad...Jerry...any advice??? They're the non-glue type (click on). Do I need an electric saw (e.g., jig saw or miter), or will a hand saw do the trick?


  1. Hey Chris, you probably already did you project but me and Cath just got back from Mexico. Miter saw would be a good thing just to keep the cuts a little cleaner looking. If you have to rip one down cuz it is to wide you could do that with hand saw cuz you can hide saw cut under baseboard. Good luck.That looked like a lovely shade of pink, I am surprised you did not stay with it.

  2. It is fairly easy once you get rollin also. Just keep goin back and forth so the joints at the end is staggered no straight line across, just straight line length. Do a little measuring first to see if room is square or if you need to cheat a little bit so at end you dont end up havin to cut a triangle piece to finish

  3. Thanks! I've just finished, apart from the last piece (which will be more or less a rectangle). I used a hand saw as the room is small, but will definitely use an electric one if I do any of the bigger rooms. Most of the time was spent cutting...arms are still sore!

